Date: 13-04-2013 11:57-12:32 UTC
Decided to go for an easy activation in the early afternoon. There’s a paved road right up to the summit, access is however limited to residents only. Parked next to the retirement home ‘Sunnehof’ and walked up to the summit in about 20min. There’s a cell tower right at the top (looks like it’s no longer in service).
QSO: 43 (12 on 40m, 31 on 30m)
S2S: F8FEO/P (F/AM-659)
Rig: KX3, 10m Vert., 10W
Hiking distance: 1.6km
Hiking duration: 24 min
Ascent: 160m
- Finally warm enough for motorcycling
- Some deers on the way up
- Summit QTH
- (Probaby) decommissioned cell tower
- View of Lake Lucerne. Bürgenstock (HB/NW-019) to the lower left, Stanserhorn (HB/NW-015) above it
- View of Lake Zug. Rigi Kulm (HB/SZ-021) to the right, Rigi Hochflueh (HB/SZ-021) in the middle
- Lake Zug and Wildspitz (HB/ZG-001)
- Pilatus (HB/NW-011) under a layer of clouds