Date: 08-06-2013 11:24-12:16 UTC
Finally a weekend with good WX after a rainy May. There’s a parking opportunity on abt. 1500m altitude, so less than 300m ascent is required on foot. The summit was quite busy due to the good WX, I found a quiet spot a few meters further down tough. I tried 12m on the KX3 and achieved 2 HB9 QSOs (one of them an S2S with HB9BCB/P from HB/BE-159, 40km away, booming in at 599 + 20db).
QSO: 27 (20 on 40m, 7 on 30m, 2 on 12m)
S2S: OE3HPU/P on OE/NO-111, HB9BCB/P on HB/BE-159, DL2XL/P on DM/SR-035
Rig: MTR, Tuner Elecraft T1 for 30 and 40m, KX3 for 12M. Ant: 10m Vert.
Hiking distance: 2.7km
Hiking duration: 47min
Ascent: 285m
Descent: 40m