HB/AG-003 Strihen – 867m, 1 point

Date: 09-02-2013 14:27-15:00 UTC
Activation together with Paul HB9DST after the general assembly of the Helvetia Telegraphy Club. Quite a bit of snow, but manageable without snow shoes. Unexpectedly great WX, could operate in the sun without gloves despite temperature probably below 0C. Was impressed by Paul’s EndFedZ antenna he simply hung up some tree branches. No mast required, very light, and setup quickly.

QSO: 41 on 30m
Rig: KX3, 10m Vert., 10W
Parking: N 47.44538 E 8.03534
Hiking distance: 1.1km
Hiking duration: 25min
Ascent: 155m

GPS Track